
Have a Try January
27 January 2022, 7.30pm: Coffee tasting at Skinny Dip Coffee (235 Northdown Road, Margate). Margate WI members only.

Chocolate Tasting
10 February 2022, 7.30pm: Chocolate tasting with chocolatier, Jane Napper of Simply Chocolate Whitstable. Visitors welcome (visitor fee £3). Please contact us to reserve your place.

Clay Workshop
10 March 2022, 7.30pm: Clay workshop with JAW ceramics at Cliftonville Community Centre (23 St. Paul's Road, Margate). Margate WI members only.

14 April 2022, 7.30pm: Beekeeping talk with Wild Margate. Visitors welcome (visitor fee £3). Please contact us to reserve your place.

100 years of Dreamland
12 May 2022, 7.30pm: Talk from local writer, speaker and artist, Dan Thompson who will be sharing with us the fascinating history of Dreamland Margate. (Members only)

Treasure Hunt
9 June 2022, 7.30pm: Team treasure hunt around Cliftonville - starting at Cliffs (172 Northdown Road). (Members only)

Beach Meet
14 July 2022, 7.30pm: Our annual beach meet on Margate Main Sands with a fish 'n' chips supper and our infamous sandcastle building competition! (Members only)

Yoga, Mindfullness & Meditation
11 August 2022, 7.30pm: Sue Chapman will be leading an introductory mind and body session, exploring yoga practice in a holistic way and discovering what it means. (Members only)

2022 Resolutions
8 September 2022, 7.30pm: We take a look at the National Federation of Women's Institute's shortlisted resolutions for 2022. (Members only)

Suffragettes of Kent
13 October 2022, 7.30pm: Talk from author, Jennifer Godrey, about her book, Suffragettes of Kent. (Members only)

Christmas Crafting
10 November 2022, 7.30pm: We'll be getting in the festive spirit with some Christmas crafting. (Members only)

Christmas Fayre
3 December 2022, 11am-5pm: Join us and Thanet’s finest artists and makers at Dreamland Margate for festive fun at our annual Christmas Fayre. Stallholders - contact us for booking details.

Christmas Party
8 December 2022, 7.30pm: Fun, frolics and festivities at our Christmas party... more details coming soon! (Members only)
Unless otherwise stated, all our monthly meetings are held at our usual venue – Cliffs on Northdown Road, Margate. More information on each event can be found on our Facebook page.